Are your IT systems and endpoints fully updated for security? Keeping your IT networks and endpoints secure can be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. With the recent shift to remote & hybrid work environments, cyber threats are growing at an exponential pace. Maintaining control of your IT systems and devices is essential to avoid operational disruptions and protect valuable information and data assets.

According to an AT&T Cybersecurity report, 94% of ‘leading’ organizations use a managed service provider for some or all aspects of their IT and cybersecurity strategies. So how does a business prevent this in happening? It starts with strategic IT planning and having a team of experts to manage the IT and Network infrastructure.


Top Security Threats Data Theft, Exposure & Loss

If you have ANY confidential information in your Info Systems, it is at risk. Cybercriminals are VERY sophisticated. It’s not just the value of the data. It’s the cost of closing the holes and repairing your damaged reputation.

  • Business Email Compromises: Over a third of respondents (36%) were not confident that employees at their organizations would be able to spot and avoid an email phishing attack in real time.1
  • Phishing: Beware of phishing attacks that attempt to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, or credit credentials, under the guise of a trustworthy entity.
  • Spear-Phishing: Phishing has evolved into “Spear-Phishing” a more targeted version of traditional phishing, through which hackers spend time getting to know you via social media.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware that locks your computer screen and prevents you from accessing your computer or data until you pay a ransom. While ransomware has long been one of the main cyberthreats to businesses, the past 6 to 18 months have seen organizations more exposed than ever before.


Know the #1 Security threat to your business? – People!

Human error is a major factor in breaches. This includes:

  • Misaddressed Emails
  • Lost or stolen devices
  • Confidential data sent to unsecured home systems


7 preventative technologies & Services

  • Patch Management -Automate System Updates : Patching is the process of repairing system vulnerabilities discovered after the infrastructure components have been released in the market. Patches apply to many different systems including operating systems, servers, routers, desktops, email clients, mobile devices, firewalls, etc.
  • Network Perimeter/Edge Security: This includes Next-Generation Firewalls & Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Tools.
    • DON’T rely on the modem supplied by your ISP – It is NOT a FIREWALL!
    • Consumer-grade devices DON’T provide adequate protection. There’s a reason they’re so cheap.
    • Install a business-grade firewall with Active Threat Management (ATM) Software.
    • Make certain your firewall is configured correctly.
  • Access & Permission Controls: Only the right users have access to the necessary systems, applications and data. Admin or full permission privileges are restricted to only those expressly necessary for staff, employees and third-party vendors or suppliers.
  • Identity Authentication & Password Security: Most passwords today are too guessable or are being sniffed or captured by hardware from software keyloggers. 2FA or MFA are a combination of individual security factors required simultaneously to prove a user’s authentic identity.
  • Regular Security Risk Assessments:
    • Don’t just assume that your firewall, anti-virus, and anti-malware solutions are doing the job. Be certain.
    • Security is not a one-and-done effort.
    • The security landscape changes daily.
    • Vulnerability scans should be run at least monthly to confirm the security of your network.
  • Advanced Email Security: Email is often the gateway to your network. Effective anti-spam software is essential to keeping malware at bay. Most email providers include anti-spam software, but it needs to be carefully tuned to be effective. On-premises email servers and some hosted environments need third-party software (and updates).
  • Security Awareness Training For Employees:  The #1 Security Risk is “the unit between the desk and the chair.” Regular education and constant vigilance will do more for your security than all the security software in the world.


End-to-end device management

Having an experienced and trusted partner on your side to provide continuous support and guidance can make the difference between proactively preventing IT security risks or merely mitigating issues after a major incident.

  • We Manage ALL DEVICES  including mobile, business IoT, & beyond.
  • We Cover  ALL ENVIRONMENTS  on premise, in the cloud, and hybrid.
  • We Perform  ALL FUNCTIONS  in a single, easy-to-use interface.

Emtech Computer Co LLC can be your trusted technology advisor. Contact us to learn how we can close IT security gaps on your network.




1) Phishing Attack Landscape Report 2020


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